
More Tips About Homeschooling Hours

For most people, home school may call to mind the picture of two or three kids sitting at a table and writing feverishly in their workbooks, while mom or dad stands nearby. This is the not entirely true. There are different methods of homeschool, and the method you decide will decide the curriculum and your style of educating. Given below are some of the many influential and popular home schooling methods.

The Charlotte Mason method: Charlotte Mason is known as the founder of the home schooling movement. A homeschooler herself, she was passionate in her zeal to lay out the foundations for an effective a complete home school program that is fun and educational at the same time. This method focuses on all the core subjects with emphasis placed on classical literature, poetry, fine arts, classical music and craft. Mason used a variety of books from classical literature, which she called ‘Living Books’. Since this method encourages a passionate awareness of literature, the child is read to daily from the ‘Living Books’. After this, the kid is asked to narrate what she has heard. This process begins at the age of six, and by ten the child is expected to write her narrations in her book. Mason also advocated the use of ‘Nature Diaries’. After each short and interesting lesson, the kid is asked to go to Nature and draw observations from Nature. Thus the kid also gains a sense of respect for her environment. Mas on believed that development of good character and behavior was essential to the complete development of the kid’s personality.

The Eclectic Home schooling: This is a mixture of various home schooling techniques. Here, the innovative mums and dads trust their own judgment and pick out the topics that make the best curriculum for their child. Such dad and mom continuously look out for the best products that will meet the needs of their homeschoolers. Most Eclectic homeschooling curriculums are improvised. This means that the basic curriculum is ready-made. The mum and dad then make changes in the curriculum to accommodate the individual needs and interests of their youngsters. The child’s gifts, temperament, learning style and interests dictate the curriculum. Eclectic programs include visits to the museum, libraries and factories.

Unschooling: A Boston public educator name John Holt laid the beginnings of the unschooling method. He believed that kids learned best when they are free to learn at their own pace and when they are guided by their own interests. His message was to ‘unschool’ the kid. This method is a hands-on approach to learning, where the parent takes definite cues from the kids. There is no definite curriculum, schedules or materials. This method is the most unstructured of the various homeschool techniques.

The Montessori Method: This method began in Italy, when it was observed that kids have acute sensitive periods, during which they undergo periods of intense concentration. During such phases, a young child will repeat an activity till he gains a measure of self-satisfaction. The Montessori method depends on a prepared environment to facilitate learning. All the materials used in this method are designed to satisfy the inner desire for spiritual development of the kid. The materials used progress from simple to complex, and are rather expensive.

These are just a few of the methods of homeschool. Whatever the method, the underlying factor is flexibility and a keen interest in the desires of the child. The secret is to use the child’s desire for knowledge to further his schooling.

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